About Climate Change and Housing
This site is not managed by climate scientists, it is managed by housing professionals. We’re not going to give you an exhaustive analysis of climate science, but we thought some of you might find a simple introduction useful.
If you’ve read a bit about climate change, you can probably skip this page because you won’t learn anything here. If not, here is a quick introduction to climate change.
People in the world of climate policy tend to use two terms, which we have used in structuring this website – ‘mitigation’ (limiting how bad climate change will be) and ‘adaptation’ (working out how to live in a changed climate). Good climate policy, at international, national, local and organisational level, needs to include both.
You might be wondering what housing has to do with climate change. Well, housing has a major contribution to make to emissions reduction, and at the same time needs to change to adapt to new climate realities.