I’d really love other people to tell their stories here on Climate/Housing and get them out there for everyone to learn from. The following is intended to help you write an article, but if writing is a hassle for you and you prefer talking I’m also willing to have a chat to you and write the story for you based on that.
Here’s a rough guide to what I’m looking for – it’s a guide, not a strait jacket so add or subtract to suit what you’re writing about.
The article should be between 500 and 1,000 words long – of course I’m happier for shorter pieces too, but longer ones need a bit more thought.
What did you do?
Start by describing the project or piece of work you want to tell readers about:
• What motivated you to do it?
• A basic description of the process or piece of work.
What were the results?
How did the project go? Did it deliver what you wanted it to? Were there things that went wrong that you and others can learn from? Were there any unexpected outcomes (good or bad)?
If you formally evaluated the process, or even if you just gathered data about how it went, it would be great to hear about it.
How did you pay for it?
Obviously not looking for you to share controversial or sensitive information but given housing and homelessness resources are very stretched, how did you pay for it? Was it ‘business as usual’, a separate grant, a partnership arrangement, etc.? How could others replicate this?
Photos and links
I like to include at least one photo or graphic with every article – happy to include more if they’re good. If there are people in the photo please make sure they’ve consented to their image being on the web.
If there is a more detailed report on the project that’s available for others to look at, or any relevant resources, please include links.
I’m also happy to include notices of upcoming events that are relevant to the site’s purpose – if you could provide a brief description of the event (date, time, place, what will happen etc.) plus a link to how people can learn more or register, I’ll put that up. If you attended an event and wanted to talk about what happened there, I’m happy to put that up too!
Get in touch
I’d love to talk to you about your potential contribution if you’re unsure about it – drop me a line on jon@99consulting.com.au and we can line up a time to have a chat.