Here's a little heads up for those who are interested in improving their energy efficiency. The Commonwealth Government has released a round of Energy Efficiency Grants for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.
Grants can be between $10k and $25k and there's a total of $16m on offer. It's likely to be very competitive and over-subscribed, and they will allocate the money on a 'first come-first served' basis so get in quick! The information on the Grant Offer says:
The objectives of the program are to:
improve energy efficiency practices and increase the uptake of energy efficient technologies
assist small and medium businesses to manage their energy usage and costs
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Examples of activities they will fund include energy audits for all or part of your business, or purchase and installation of energy-efficient equipment.
Even though the grant offer talks about 'businesses' and 'enterprises' the eligibility criteria do not exclude not-for-profit organisations so I would give it a go. However, government agencies are excluded along with organisations that employ more than 199 staff.
The final closing date is 19 April but it seems likely the grants will be fully spent before then so don't leave it to the closing date.
Thanks to the people at Climate Clever for spreading the word about this opportunity. If you know about a grant opportunity that others here might be interested in, drop me a line!