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Writer's pictureJon Eastgate

Welcome to the Climate/Housing Blog

I've created Climate/Housing because I want to see the affordable/social housing and homelessness sector responding as well as it possibly can to climate change. This response needs to involve two things.

A photo of Jon drinking a can of coffee at a picnic table.  The setting was lovely but the coffee was awful!

First, we need to be conscious of our own emissions and do what we can to reduce them. We won't solve climate change on our own, but that's what everyone says. We all have a part to play, however small. The pages of this site start to map out the kind of things we can be doing to reduce our impact as organisations.

Second, we need to be prepared for the change that is to come. No matter what the powers of this world do, there will be a certain amount of climate change. This will have different effects in different places, and we need to be aware of what changes will take place in the communities we work in and build resilience to deal with these changes. Once again, this site has some ideas about what that involves.

I know that lots of organisations are already working on different parts of this. They have built energy efficient, climate friendly housing, partnered with energy providers to get solar panels on tenants' rooves, developed good ESG plans, supported their tenants and clients through extreme weather events, and sustained their services through times of adversity.

I'd love to hear these stories and include them on this site. If you'd like to write an article to put up here, or if you have a story that you'd lie to tell me about so I can write it with you, please drop me a line via the contact page.


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